Advancement in technology has brought a number of conveniences to many people especially when it comes to how people interact on a daily basis. A perfect example of these advancements is peer-to-peer transfer apps like Cash App and Venmo. These apps make it possible to not touch or handle physical money when sending or receiving money from friends and family members. This is also the case when making payments to a merchant or business for services or goods you’ve purchased or used.

If you happen to be using Cash App as your peer-to-peer transfer app then you are well aware of the fact that you can be able to easily see your Cash App’s transaction history or simply put Cash App activity. To do so, simply click on the clock icon that’s located in the bottom right corner of your screen once you open up the app on your phone.
While it is very easy to access and see all your Cash App activities, there are some instances where Cash App users report not seeing some or all of their Cash App activities. Understanding how Cash App activities work helps us in solving this particular problem and that’s exactly what we’ll do below.
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Cash App Activities At A Glance

As already pointed out, being able to access your Cash App activities is very simple. To do so, simply open your Cash App app, sign-in, and search for then tap the clock icon. It's normally in the bottom corner of your screen if you are using the Cash App app on your screen. By clicking on the clock icon, you’ll be able to see a list of all the people you’ve sent money to or received money from.
One thing I am sure you’ve probably noticed when looking at your Cash App history is that they are there permanently. In other words, there is no one way that a Cash App user can delete their Cash App transaction history. This is also something that’s evident with other peer-to-peer payment platforms like Venmo. Worth pointing out as well is that Cash App activities are private.
Related: How To Delete Cash App Activity
Why Are My Activities Not Showing?

Given the fact that there is no way a Cash App user can be able to delete their Cash App activities, one would assume that all activities would be displayed at all times. Well, while it is not a bad assumption, there are some instances where certain activities will not show up. This is especially so if you’ve just carried out or performed a transaction using your Cash App account.
While Cash App usually displays Cash App activities instantly, there are some instances where there might be a delay. This is especially so if the transaction you are performing or carrying out with your Cash App account has not been completed just yet. In such cases, expect the activity(s) you carried out with your Cash App account to show after some time, this might even take a day or two depending on the type of activity you initiated with your Cash App account.
There is no way that Cash App will fail to show activity on your account that has gone through. Furthermore, you cannot delete Cash App activities on your Cash App account. Having said that, the only time or way you’ll not be able to see your Cash App activity(s) is when the activity itself hasn’t gone through. In such cases, you’ll be able to see the activity in your account once it is completed. This depending on your activity might take between 1 and 3 days.
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