Cash App Message Scam: How To Prevent It!

Have you received any suspicious messages of late, emails, or even texts regarding your Cash App account? It’s probably a Cash App message Scam. Read on to find out more about this and how to prevent it. 

Anything involving money online or even offline for that matter is bound to attract individuals who have negative intentions. In other words, individuals who want to scam you of your money.


cash app message scam

Being a very popular peer-to-peer online payment service that moves quite a significant amount of money, a number of people (fraudsters) are always looking at it with the intention of scamming its users.

To do this, they’ve employed a number of tricks meant to trick Cash App users into sharing or disclosing personal information about their Cash App accounts.


To help you better prepare for such an event or better yet scammers, this post seeks to educate you on all things Cash App scams, in particular Cash App Message scams.


Well, many scams always start with that one message, whether to your phone, email, or social media account.


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Cash App Message Scams: What You Should Know

cash app scams

Scams on Cash App usually begin with; you guessed it, a message. As a Cash App user, you are bound to receive a message or messages from an anonymous person(s), in most cases claiming to be with Cash App support, asking for additional information about your Cash App account so as to help you with your account.

For this particular scam, they’ll ask you for your personal Cash App bank details, sign-in code, or your Social Security Number. In other words, they’ll ask for personal information that’s likely to grant them access to your Cash App account.

While texting is a very popular choice for many scammers, some opt for something different. In particular, they target Cash App users via email. For this particular scam, a Cash App user is likely to receive an email supposedly from Cash App informing them either about changes to their account, policies, and so on.

In some cases, these emails claim that you’ve been invited to take part in some new rollout feature.

Either way, these emails usually have an external link that you are asked to follow. When you do so, a site similar to Cash App’s signing page will likely pop up requesting you to key in your log in details. If you happen to do so you’ll be giving scammers your Cash App account log-in details.  

N/B: These scams usually work best with Cash App users who are having problems with their Cash App accounts as they are more likely to share such information in order to get help. 

Protecting Yourself From Cash App Message Scams

cash app scams

Now that you have some insight about Cash App message scams the only logical step is protecting yourself from them.

So how can you go about doing this?

Well, for starters, always be on the lookout for fraudsters pretending to be working with or on behalf of Cash App support. You can do this by simply paying attention to what they are asking for or asking you to do.

If they are asking you for your account’s personal details like account pin or sign-in codes then chances are you are probably dealing with a fraudster looking to scam you.

You should also be very careful when clicking on links you’ve received from unverified email addresses claiming to be from a Cash App representative.

In most cases, these are usually fraudsters trying to trick you into sharing your login credentials. Such emails usually contain links that direct you to different sites; some might even look like Cash App’s official login page, with the aim of stealing your personal account information.

Cash App Emails

Worth noting about emails is that Cash App will only send you an email using the following email accounts:


Always be careful when it comes to your Cash App account. Don’t share any personal information about your account with anyone. Even Cash App support won’t ask you for such details. If anyone does so then chances are you are dealing with a fraudster.

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