How Many Billionaires In The World Exist? (Hint: 580+)

Do you ever wonder how many American billionaires exist in today's age? To the new readers, I'm a blogger who loves to write down anything about making money online from cryptocurrencies to even digital marketing.

While I was scrolling through my LinkedIn feed, I saw a business snippet on the topic of American billionaires. I was amazed after skimming through tons of newsfeed to stumble upon an interesting headline: "Out of All The Billionaires in the World, 580+ Are American Billionaires."


Doesn't that give you the chills? Who would've known that there are so many billionaires? After reading the up on the topic, new questions pop up in my head one after another.

Random questions like: 

  • Who is the richest woman in America?
  • How many billionaires in the world have marked their territory on the moon? (Yes, that's a thing!)

Curiosity works wonder. I decided to do a research about the richest people in the world. I went on Google and started digging for more information on this subject because it's quite captivating.


There are rich people in many fields of subject including technology, finance, and even hospitality.


I Wanna Be A Billionaire!

During the research in regards to this subject, 'Billionaire' lyrics by Bruno Mars did appear on the search results. It was a funny moment so I had to share it. It's definitely a catchy song.

Back to the subject- look at how many billionaires there are in the US. The United States is basically the mother of opportunities for all sorts of entrepreneurs. Often times, investment stops entrepreneurs from scaling up on their idea(s). The US also ranks second on venture-backed capital in terms of GDP in the world.


This means that the country makes it accessible for entrepreneurs to find financial capital for their ventures.

An analysis report via the U.S. News states that the United States is the third most entrepreneur-friendly nation. What is the first two, you asked?

Well, I'll give you a list of the top 10 entrepreneur-friendly nations from this CNBC site.

  1. Germany
  2. Japan
  3. United States
  4. United Kingdom
  5. Switzerland
  6. Sweden
  7. Canada
  8. Singapore
  9. Netherlands
  10. Norway

We've seen reports that stand as testimony to why Americans top the chart of billionaires. America as a country allows and facilitates its people to form their dreams into a reality. Our movers and shakers have marked their names in different industries. Let's take a look at them now.

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American Billionaires Disrupting Technology

Remember that day when Forbes released its richest American entrepreneurs' list in 2015? You learn that many of them came from the position of an average America. That means you can do it too (maybe not the richest but give it a shot)!

Technology is evolving on a daily basis. We went from (Nokia) phone bricks with buttons to touch screen in such a short amount of time. Do you know how many billionaires in the US from the tech industry made it on the list? 34 out of 40 people!

Silicon Valley still remains the undisputed leader of technology-driven entrepreneurship. For years, the US has been a bellwether of tech entrepreneurship.

Companies like Airbnb, Facebook, Twitter, and Uber rose from that fertile soil and reached exalted ranks.

The American multinational company Amazon made its first-ever mark in the top 10 of Fortune 500 in 2018.

It's not only veteran companies and entrepreneurs but also young American billionaires who make us equally proud. I was moved when I came across Drew Houston’s story. The 32-year-old had a keen interest in computers as a kid. At the age of 24, Houston co-founded Dropbox, which is now a billion-dollar company. Houston is truly an inspiration for many starting entrepreneurs.


American Billionaires Fast Tracking Finance Industry

One of the American billionaires that I would like to talk to you about in this article is the legendary investor, Warren Buffett. Buffett exemplifies that no matter where you come from, you can achieve your dreams. I totally agree with him. With the law of attraction in mind, anything is possible.

Did you know that Buffett purchased his first shares in the stock market at an early age? He was only 11 during the time! He bought the Cities Service Preferred at $38 a share. Buffett later sold it for $5 profit.

The aspiring investor didn't even make it through Harvard Business School. Even though it disappointed him, Buffett didn't back down as life had something better in store.

He joined Columbia Business School and was mentored under the iconic investor Benjamin Graham. Buffett is undoubtedly one of the best investors the world has seen. From being a paperboy to accepting rejections and building an empire, Buffett’s story is simply remarkable. We can take inspiration from him.

Thomas Peterffy, the founder of Interactive Brokers, started his entrepreneurial journey with nothing. In 1965, Peterffy immigrated to the US with no money. To add to his woes, he didn’t speak a word of English. He started off as a software engineer. Later, he got himself a job in the American Stock Exchange. Peterffy went on to invent the first hand-held computer and the rest, as they say, is history.


American Billionaire Heroes In Hospitality

Our billionaires have left no industry untouched.

Even in the hospitality segment, American hoteliers have made their presence felt. Their stories are sources of inspiration for they are not only rich and famous but also philanthropists who have left their mark on the world in their own way.

Sheldon Adelson is a world-famous hotel mogul. He is the CEO of Las Vegas Sands and has had a parabolic career. After reaching a benchmark of $24 billion, Adelson’s fortunes plummeted to $2 billion. However, Adelson didn’t give up and took his business back up to $37 billion. Next time when you face a loss, remember Adelson!

Bill Marriott Jr., the executive chairman of Marriott Hotel chain, is highly regarded as an inspiration in the hotelier circles. Giving preference to customer needs, Bill exhibited world-class work ethics from his beginning days. He paved the way for many innovations in hospitality. After acquiring the Starwood Hotel chain, Bill’s Marriott Hotel chain became the world’s largest hotel chain!

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American Billionaires In Healthcare Industry

Doctors or surgeons, too, can be billionaires, and several of them from the healthcare industry in the US have made billions.

By keeping the world healthy and curing diseases, healthcare founders are joining the three-comma club. Thomas Frist Jr. is a co-founder of the Hospital Corporation of America. He is not only the world’s richest physician but also a magnanimous philanthropist.

Breaking The Glass Ceiling

American women entrepreneurs are amassing fortunes too. 

You probably wonder who the richest woman in America is. So, I did what any tech-savvy person would have done. Google to find the results and I'm here to share it with you.

Not one, but many self-made American women entrepreneurs are emerging each year! The numbers were so overwhelming they’ve made Forbes expand its list.

Diane Hendricks is one of the richest self-made American woman billionaires. Hendricks is the cofounder of ABC Supply- one of the largest distributors of roofing, siding, and windows in the US.

After her husband’s death, Hendricks single-handedly took care of her business. She presently is the chairperson of her company. Hendricks is a good example of self-made and self-reliant entrepreneurs and is a true inspiration for many entrepreneurs who aspire to build a business of their own.

Everyone loves pizzas! An interesting survey states that approximately 3 billion pizzas are sold in the US annually. That’s certainly a lot for Marian Ilitch and her husband.

That’s why they’ve established Little Caesars Pizza. Ilitch is known for being unapologetically forthright. She never takes the backseat and was the face of her business even when her husband was alive and well. After her husband’s demise, Ilitch didn’t give up but took her business to new heights.

These are some of the stories about our American billionaires that inspired me. I am sure you would be too! Our billionaires have truly taken the world by storm and have positively transformed lives across the world!

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