[lwptoc numeration="none" title="Positive Facts About Snapchat"]
Positive Facts About Snapchat
You've probably heard of this viral app for years. Enter this rocketship full of facts on Snapchat. We will be launching to your facts in 3...2...1...
Snapchat's initial release was about 7 years ago. Today, there are 187 million daily active visitors. With such great success, here are some fun facts on Snapchat. I will be adding several statistics about this viral phone app that you should know!
- Evan Spiegel mentioned that he and his partners (Bobby Murphy and Reggie Brown) failed 34 times on different projects until they created Snapchat, one of the most popular apps out there today. If this isn't inspiration, I don't know what is. Success is all about consistency. Learn from your mistakes and keep trying until you find the pot of gold! Do you have the entrepreneur mindset in you?

Snapchat Used To Be Called Picaboo
- Snapchat wasn't called Snapchat when it was started. It was named Picaboo prior to Snapchat. The name change didn't happen until 2012. What's funnier? Asking a person for their Snapchat or asking for their Picaboo? What would it be like today if they stuck with Picaboo?
- After a friend regretted sending an image to another person, Spiegel and Murphy added disappearing messages to the app. Let's hope that wasn't screenshotted!

- The value of each Snapchat stock also known as Snap Inc. was $27 at an all-time high in 2017. That's a huge market cap! The current value now during the time of this post is, unfortunately, cut in half. Is it a good time to get in the Snap Inc stock? Who knows? Maybe you'll be the next the Wolf of Wallstreet if you invest in it now! (this is not financial advice so invest at your own risk)
- The average time each user spends on Snapchat equals about 30 minutes per day. It doesn't seem like it's a lot of time but every time you open it, the time adds up!
- Users worldwide send over at least 3 billion Snapchats every day! That's at least 6 million gigabytes of images per day not including videos. Yes! I did the math.
- Mark Zuckerberg tried to purchase the rights to Snapchat in 2013 for $1 billion. The offer was declined by the team. Zuckerberg offered $3 billion a few months after and was yet again, declined.
How many users does Snapchat have?
- As of right now, Snapchat has at least 301 million monthly active users.
- At least 25% of all reported phone users claim to be using the viral app. How many people do you know that uses Snapchat? Basically, every Millenials that I know today.
- Snapchat makes a revenue of $1.68 for every user. How do they make money from Snapchat users? It's all in the ads!
- How long do you think it'll take you to view every single Snapchats in the world that were sent in the last hour? 10 YEARS. So 24 hours would take you approximately 240 whopping years! To view one week's worth of Snapchats equals to about 1,680 years for a single person. And one month's worth equals to about 7,200 years. That's almost 72 lifetimes. Ain't nobody got time for that!

Does Snapchat Have Filter Gender Swap?
- Snapchat is a filter for you to see what you look like as the opposite gender! Some people are curious.
- One of my favorite facts on Snapchat is about a recent statistic that shows what most images are of. You can take a guess. That's right! They're drinks! Who wouldn't want to send a beautiful cocktail or an aesthetically good looking Fat Tuesday on their Snapchat? Come to think of it, most of my Snapchats from my friends are usually images or videos their drinks! And within the following hours, you'll get drunk videos of them!
- There was a research study that shows how 70% of Snapchat users are women.Â
- About 65% of users of Snapchat retake their selfie one to five times before sending it. Imagine how many times selfies were taken on June 21st for National Selfie Day. Did you get to have that perfect picture before sending it the way you want it? Luckily, we have filters. Let's bring that self-esteem back up.
- Approximately, there are at least 34,722 photos and videos being shared every second. If you're sleeping for 8 hours a day, at least 999,993,600 Snaps are sent. Mind-blown? Source
California Snapchat Facts
- Did you know that the Snapchat Headquarters are in Pacific Palisades, California? I'm from California and have never heard of Pacific Palisades. After I did some research, they're located in the neighborhoods of Los Angeles (now I have a general idea).

- Speaking of Los Angeles, Snapchat also leased more than 20 properties in Venice Beach! Above is an image of one of their properties.
- On the Snapchat - Terms of Service, They mentioned to never send Snaps to anyone that doesn't want to receive. How many people are doing it for the streaks every day or recording their friends do embarrassing things and sending them to strangers?
- For Snapchat alone, there are over 2,800 employees working for the company. That's an army of workers they have.
- As of June 2019, Snapchat successfully reached over 90% of all 13-24 year-olds in America. These are such insane numbers. What's even more mindblowing is that they reached 75% of 13-34 year-olds.
- Ever since the release of Snapchat streaks, the longest streak in the world recorded surpassed 1400+ days. How many streaks do you have? My longest streak was 196 days and losing it feels like a life long project that's just been destroyed.
The usage of the viral app, Snapchat, is becoming more popular every day. I hope you enjoy these fun facts and statistics. If you have any more facts, feel free to comment below so I can add it to the article.
- https://investor.snap.com/news-releases/2019/04-23-2019-210911329
- https://investor.snap.com/company-profile
- and of course, https://www.google.com/