How Much Will You Have If You Save 25 Cents A Day For A Year?

Ever imagine how much money you'll have if you save 25 cents a day for a year? What can you do with this money? Find out the outcome below.
When saving money, it's difficult for many people. The majority of us have bad spending habits throughout our lives but what can a quarter per day for 365 days do for you? And what can it do in a span of 5 years to 20 years if you save up until then?
The Results If You Save 25 Cents A Day For A Year:
If you save up 25 cents a day for a year, you will have a total of $91.25. While it doesn't seem much, let's try saving 50 cents a day for a year. You will then end up with $182.50. By saving 1 dollar a day for a year, you will have $365.
Looking Long-term:
Let's take a long-term look at how much each amount could save you. The results are astounding. If you have savings goals, then saving a small amount each day could benefit you in the future.
If You Save 25 Cents A Day...
- 1 Year = $91.25
- 3 Years = $273.75
- 5 Years = $456.25
- 10 Years = $912.50
- 20 Years = $1,825

Now if you think the reward is little for saving 25 cents a day for a year or more, then let's take a look by doubling the number.
If You Save 50 Cents A Day...
- 1 Year = $182.50
- 3 Years = $547.50
- 5 Years = $912.50
- 10 Years = $1,825
- 20 Years = $3,650
While it's good to have over $3,000 in your bank, could you imagine how much you'll save if you put $5 in your savings every day? With this small amount, it'll quickly add up. You will have emergency funds whenever you need them. Maybe it's enough to fund your yearly vacation too! Let's take a look at the numbers.
If You Save $5 A Day...
- 1 Year = $1,825
- 3 Years = $5,475
- 5 Years = $9,125
- 10 Years = $18,250
- 20 Years = $36,500
That's a large number, huh? If you think about saving, you should. While it does require a lot of discipline because spending is easier than saving, try to save the most you can. Whether it's a few pennies to a few dollars, it'll add up. Not many Americans have enough emergency funds saved up and unexpected problems are unavoidable.
Within the amount saved, you can:
- Reward yourself with a nice vacation.
- Buy yourself a new car if your old car is worn out.
- Buy your family Christmas presents every year and you'll still have money left over.
- You will most likely have enough cash to make a down payment for your dream business or even a house.
- Live life with fewer worries because you know your emergency funds are always there for you.
The best tip I can provide for you is to save your money somewhere where you can't touch it.
- You can place your coins in a glass piggy bank. There are piggy banks where you'll have to break in order to get your money. Most of the time when you need money for unnecessary things, you won't want to break it until an emergency occurs.
- Have a bank savings account. If you have a direct deposit from your work, you can work out a plan with your bank to deposit a part of your earnings to your savings account.
Think for a moment about your future and why you should save extra money and not spend it on unnecessary things. Save even if you plan to save 25 cents a day for a year.