Why Did I Receive a Text From 33748? (Banks or Scam)

Receiving a text message with the code 33748 can be scary especially for those who actually know what a text message with a 33748 code really means. For those who don’t know what it means and are unfortunate to have received such a text, this post was written specifically with you in mind.

This post will get to shed more light on this topic, in particular why you are receiving a text with the code 33748, what such a text means, what it entails and what you should do in the event you receive such a text.


Text From 33748

Text messages sent to you with a 5-digit code 33748 are usually from banks or your bank in this case. Banks send texts with this 33748 code to notify their clients of probable credit card fraud.

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SMS Message From 33748

If you’ve received a text message with the code 33748 displayed then chances are there has been a potential fraud attempt on your card. To put it clearer, there has been a transaction on your card that the bank suspects is a fraud. This is very common practice with just about every bank in the country as well as worldwide.  

Type of Messages

Understanding how a text message with the code 33748 looks like is very important in this case given the sensitivity of the situation and message. That said these texts normally arrive with the 5-digit code 33748 and contains your bank’s name, the amount of money in question (transaction amount) as well as the person or business that’s being paid or receiving the payment.   

Who is 33748 From?

If you’ve been carefully going through this post then the answer to this question is very clear. The person sending you text messages with the code 33748 is your bank. 


Why Do They Send Me A Text With The Code 33748?

We’ve already established that your bank is the one that’ll send you a text with the code 33748. Now to the question of why, well, your bank will send you a text with the code 33748 to notify you of a potential fraud attempt on your card. They do this to make sure that you are the one who has initiated a transaction with your card.    

What Should I Do After Receiving A Text With The Code 33748?

What you do once you receive a text from your bank with this 5-digit code comes down to whether or not you initiated the transaction or not. If you did initiate such a transaction do respond to the text with a “YES” (this is a popular option with many banks).

You must do this because failing to respond might result in your account access being restricted despite you being the one that initiated the transaction.

If you didn’t initiate such a transaction, however, respond to the text you received with “NO”. By doing so, a fraud specialist from your bank will get in touch with you and advise you on what to do next (this is also a very popular option with many banks in the country).  

Are Texts With The Code 33748 Free?

Texts with the code 33748 are not free. Banks in the US usually charge their customers per every alert they receive via text or even through a phone call with regards to matters of fraud. This fee tends to differ from bank to bank and as such, it is always good to confirm with your bank how much they charge. 

Can I Opt-Out From Receiving Texts With 33748 Code?

Given that these texts come with a price some might not want to receive them. Banks have made it very easy to opt-out. With many banks, a reply with the word “STOP” should see you stop receiving text messages with this 33748 code.

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